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Learn the basic terminology to boost your karate skills! 

From counting to 10, and basic stances and blokes used in the Dojo, increasing one's terminology will significantly improve performance and understanding in the Dojo.

Goju-Ryu Belt System

From 9th qyu - all the way to 9th dan 

Regular gradings are held each year, usually at a four-month interval, and providing you have trained regularly and made the necessary progress you will be permitted to attend the grading examination.


Students commence as white belts and progress through the grades or kyu’s to black belt.  As you progress, various colours are used to indicate your grade.  Certificates are issued upon successfully passing each grading test.

Students attempting 1st Dan grading must write a two (2) page essay on “What Karate Means to Me”, and this is submitted to Hanshi Watanabe who does all Dan Gradings.

After achieving your black belt, you are now considered one of Hanshi's students. As you continue to improve and successfully grade, various different titles will be given to specific dan grades. The final grade is 10th dan, where you are presented with the title of being a founder of a style.

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